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Express Entry #261: Invitations to Apply for Permanent Residence – August 3, 2023

Express entry invitation on August 3, 2023

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Definitions in Express Entry System:

1. Act: Refers to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Loi).
2. Eligible Foreign National: Denotes a foreign national with an expression of interest in the Express Entry pool established by the Express Entry Instructions (étranger admissible).
3. Express Entry Instructions: Represents the Ministerial Instructions Respecting the Express Entry System, published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on December 1, 2014, and amended periodically (Instructions concernant le système Entrée express).
4. Full-time Work: Holds the same meaning as in subsection 73(1) of the Regulations (travail à temps plein).
5. Group Ranking: Indicates the ranking among eligible foreign nationals in a specific grouping established in section 5 (classement du groupe).
6. Invitation: Carries the same meaning as defined in section 1 of the Express Entry Instructions (invitation).
7. National Occupational Classification: This has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Regulations (Classification nationale des professions).
8. Regulations: Refers to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (Règlement).
9. Work: Bears the same meaning as in subsection 73(2) of the Regulations (travail).

Establishment of Trade Occupations (2023-1) Category for Ranking:

For ranking purposes under paragraph 10.3(1)(h.2) of the Act, the Trade Occupations (2023-1) category is created for the period specified in section 7.

Eligibility for Trade Occupations (2023-1) Category:

To be considered a member of the category established in Section 2, an eligible foreign national must meet the following requirements:

  1. Accumulated at least six months of full-time work experience (or equivalent in part-time work) within the three-year period preceding the category’s establishment, in one of the occupations listed in the table of this section.
  2. Performed the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification during the period of work experience.
  3. Executed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification, including all essential duties during the work experience period.

Note: Work experience described in (1)(a) to (c) must be accumulated within the three-year period preceding the date the officer receives their application for permanent residence.

Occupations by National Occupational Classification unit group code and title

Exclusion of Unauthorized Work in Canada:

In calculating a period of work experience for the purposes of section 3, any unauthorized work done in Canada shall not be considered.

Establishment of Grouping for Ranking:

To comply with subparagraph 10.3(1)(h.1)(iii) of the Act, a grouping of eligible foreign nationals is established for ranking purposes. This grouping consists of eligible foreign nationals who are eligible to be members of the category established in Section 2.

The Objective for Economic Goal:

In creating the category mentioned in section 2, the Minister aims to bolster Canada’s long-term economic prosperity by enhancing the responsiveness of federal skilled immigration to the labor market.

Invitations Timeline:

Under these Ministerial Instructions, invitations may be issued during the period from August 3, 2023, to August 4, 2023.

Invitations Limit:

A total of 1,500 invitations may be issued to eligible foreign nationals within the grouping established in Section 5.

Required Ranking for Invitations:

Eligible foreign nationals within the group ranking must be among the top 1,500 to receive invitations.

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  • Eligibility assessment
  • Filing & documentation for the application process
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